Just to continue the moss theme I posted about for a couple a days ago...
Anna Granborne created project Sporeborne that was featured in Creative Review, Oct 2008. According to her web site, writing with moss seemingly represents an unusual synthesis between advanced civilisation and nature. She writes, that it gives a chance for us to speak as individuals and artists, but also to be the spokesperson of organisms which have no voice in our world. She hopes that not only the words will be noticed, but also the moss itself, put to the forefront through it's sculpting, fashioned into a form we can understand.

There is no looking back now; mosses are at last in the limelight, humble and small as they might be.

Thanks and all pictures with © :
That is so cool! Kind of like a mash-up between Jenny Holzer and Andy Goldsworthy. All power to the moss!
I love this and I want to try it. I wonder if I can apply yogurt/moss paste to a wall and let it grow? This woman's examples look more like they are glued on but it is hard to tell. What a great inspiration! Thanks.
Hi Karen, I think this is cool too. Anna is doing anew project in Perugia, Italy soon, so we have to check it out when it's ready.
Jean, nice to hear from you again; Anna uses ready mats of moss and cuts them + clues them to place. She told that the is trying to grow her own moss this year. It takes time thought before you get thick enough mats. I think it would be fun to try growing something similar, maybe using a template + yogurt. Definitely worth a thought.
Hade missat det här inlägget! Fantastiskt kul, som grafisk formgivare blir jag ju extra glad över kombinationen typografi och växtlighet.
Visst är det visuellt intressant och kul idé. Det skulle kunna finnas många användningarområden för det här, men hur håller man mossan på plats sedan, det lär ju växa vidare...? Kanske bäst med just korta installationer.
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