I love borders.
August is the border between summer and autumn;
it is the most beautiful month I know.
KAugust is the border between summer and autumn;
it is the most beautiful month I know.
Twilight is the border between day and night,
and the shore is the border between sea and land.
The border is longing: when both have fallen in love but still haven't said anything.
The border is to be on the way. It is the way that is the most important thing.
Kand the shore is the border between sea and land.
The border is longing: when both have fallen in love but still haven't said anything.
The border is to be on the way. It is the way that is the most important thing.
- Tove Jansson -
KThe days of summer are dwindling away frighteningly fast. Leaves are already turning yellow, albeit from drought and not from the lateness of the season. My parents are visiting us in Seattle for the first time; seeing them here feels like a confirmation for that we actually have moved away, again.
The Justitia carnea cutting that I got from Marian in June is flowering with flesh pink plumes. I have repotted it a couple of times to give the roots more room to grow; strong roots mean healthy, happy plants. But how many times can you repot a plant before doing it more harm than good? Am I on the right way?
Picture from "Who will comfort Toffle?", a children's picture book by Tove Jansson first published in 1960.
Thank you for Tove Jansson's quote! Just stunning! The illustration... utterly enchanting... endearing! Thank you! Thank you... as I go out to see the moon rising above the gardens, I will think of borders ... what does a moon border... waning and waxing... a new moon is longing. Such writing as Toves inspires imagination... wonderful for children and adults. Enjoy your parents.
Vackert! Tove Jansson har sen barnsben varit en stor favorit och det är lätt att älska hennes verk även som vuxen, med de insiktsfulla, tankeväckande texterna(som citatet om gränsernas betydelse), hennes roliga karaktärer och fantasifulla bildvärldar.
Tack för ett trevligt inlägg,
Åh, Tove Jansson, denna underbara poet. Åratals sedan jag läste något av henne – nu blir jag så sugen igem. Vem ska trösta Knyttet är en underbar berättelse.
Vilken fin blogg!
Hur gör man för att följa den, jag kanske ser dåligt?
Roligt med en både vacker och klok blogg.
Tove Jansson är en favorit, såg en dokumentär för en del år sedan om Tove Janssons sommarö och hennes somrar där, väldigt fin.
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