For couple of days ago, I planted a whole wheelbarrow load of divisions, bulbs and corms. Wandering around my garden with the rain dripping down my nose and neck, I spent hours figuring out the best places for the treasures I had got. And still, I could not feel real joy for what I was doing. The matter is, that my gardening friend and her husband, about whose wonderful place I wrote twice last spring, have sold their large property and are moving away. It is time, she says, and I can see it, but I had hoped that this would not take place quite yet. There will be new development, and nothing will remain of this enchanted place by a little stream in a slope, hidden amongst the Seattle suburbia. The Hardy Plant Society is doing a "garden rescue" on Saturday and saving all they can, potting up as many plants as they can for a charity plant sale next spring. There are thousands of them, hundreds of different genus and species, many of which are very rare.
Here they are, some of the stars of this sad story, before they were transplanted into my garden. Now, after a weeks time of settling in, they still seem a bit surprised, probably missing their old friends and lush surroundings, and of course, the gardener they had gotten used to. I am still looking for the best possible place for the white, double Trillium I got; nothing seems to be good enough for this little gem. Life goes on, as usual. At the same time, it is frustrating to see how little of the work of even the best gardeners can be saved and enjoyed in the long term.
I wrote about the magic flowering carpets in this beautiful garden in March and in May. The pictures, despite taken by an amateur photographer like me, are still heartbreakingly beautiful. I hope the little transplants I got feel themselves at home in my garden, even if it will never be able to match the place they came from.
Oh My!
It is sad to hear that a garden of this calibre and magnitude is being left behind, but judging from the selections you discuss in this post, you have come away with some delightful rare and choice selections - difinitely my type of gardener. I hope that all will settle in nicely and bring you years of delight. Double Trilliums are astoundingly beautiful if you can keep them flowering year to year - a feat I am still working on!
I was first drawn to this blog for the fabulous post you did on my gardening hero - Daniel Hinkley - and his need garden at Windcliff! What a priviledge to see first hand what he has been up to lately! Be prepared for many more visits and comments from another plant-a-holic/plant collector! Divine!
Så tråkigt att "mista" en god granne! Men var inte oroligt för att lökarna inte ska trivas hos dig. Lyssnade på ett föredrag med Peter Korn för ett tag sedan. Han verkade ta det som den självklaraste sak i världen, att vissa plantor inte klarar sig så bra, kanske till och med dör. Och så är det ju med en del växter, man ger dem allt, men det vill sig inte ändå! Trevlig helg! /Ruben
Things do change ... sometimes we have to let go and move on... Nice that your friends plants are being spread out among caring gardeners... good luck with your new additions... when you see them bloom they will remind you of your friends gardens. I love seeing all the bulbs, eyes and divisions... Nice photos... and I will seek out that post. Carol
I am so sorry that your friend is leaving her garden. How hard that must be! Thank you for recording some former beauty from this place.
Du är väl en hjältinna, trotsa väder och vatten så, du blir säkert rikligt belönad till våren! Vita Trillium skulle jag också vilja ha...
ps. förlåt att jag inte är lika aktiv längre, jag håller på med ett helt annat skrivprojekt som slikar det mesta av min tid för tillfället.
I must copy and paste this idea of great sadness "it is frustrating to see how little of the work of even the best gardeners can be saved and enjoyed in the long term." Frustrating is simply not a good enough word. Unbelievably disappointing would be more appropriate. I am glad there were those who had some vision to keep some of the plants memories alive by saving and transplanting what they could. Michael from commends the effort. Bravo!
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