A baby Bishop, with an exquisite combination of lime and plum on the top of the glossy bud.
I'm baffled over that I'd forgotten about getting a couple of Dahlia 'Bishop of Llandaff' tubers from Marian last November. I can't understand how this could happen; I was so excited when she gave them to me, and then wandered around for a long time in my garden trying to find the best place for them with rain dripping along my neck.
A Bishop in full regalia... I love the way the grey tones of its dark leaves both pick up and contrast with the greys in the Lavender, and how its bright scarlet flowers pop against the hazy purples and greys of the smoke tree behind. (The flowers are not this bright in reality, somehow photos of them get this neon-like quality in whatever weather I try to catch them...)
I'm baffled over that I'd forgotten about getting a couple of Dahlia 'Bishop of Llandaff' tubers from Marian last November. I can't understand how this could happen; I was so excited when she gave them to me, and then wandered around for a long time in my garden trying to find the best place for them with rain dripping along my neck.
In one of the beds, I found a suitable corner between a hazy burgundy smoke tree (Cotinus coggyria 'Royal Purple'), some deep purple Spanish Lavender stoechas, and a crimson Berberis (B. thunbergii 'Atropurpurea nana' - not my favorite, but it fits into the color scheme...). I wasn't sure if the wonderful, dark foliage of the Bishop would be a good complement to the combination, or if it would disappear completely against the others. But luckily, my Bishop seems to enjoy its new diocese, and appears to be getting along very well with its earlier inhabitants.
*A Bishop in full regalia... I love the way the grey tones of its dark leaves both pick up and contrast with the greys in the Lavender, and how its bright scarlet flowers pop against the hazy purples and greys of the smoke tree behind. (The flowers are not this bright in reality, somehow photos of them get this neon-like quality in whatever weather I try to catch them...)
Om min Dahlia coccinea palmeri lyckas frambringa några fröer denna höst (jag har gott hopp) ska jag gärna skicka dig några om du vill. Den har en helt oförliknelig vacker färg. Den du visar ser väldigt skarpt röd ut (iallafall på min dator, det kan ju skilja väsentligt på olika datorer, sa en som precis blivit med en Mac), men det kanske beror på omständigheterna vid fotoögonblicket (oj, vad byråkratiskt detta lät)! ;-)
Ha det gott!
Hej Ruben, det skulle ju vara helt underbart att få frön från din Dahlia coccinea! Den ser så fin ut på bilder som jag hittat. Min är inte så skarp i färgen som bilden visar, jag vet inte varför bilderna på den blir så här, jag har försökt att fota den både i sol och dimma... Den kanske utstrålar någon slags energi som fastnar bara på bilder? :-)
Bishop og Llandlaff har verkligen en helt otrolig röd färg även om jag också har samma "problem" att den lätt bränner ut på datorn. Och visst är bladen och knopparna fantastiska i färgerna precis som du beskriver.
ha en skön helg!
Hej Sophia,
det var ett bra ord, det verkar verkligen som färgen bränner ut på datorn. Märktligt fenomen... Men visst är de vackra, de små biskopsknopparna!
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