Thursday, August 25, 2011

I can almost smell the coffee...

A bit of nostalgia: I just stumbled upon this picture from our garden in Sweden. This is where I used to take my morning coffee on the old wooden bench, gazing at the sprinkles of sun reflected by the nearby waves and listening to the hum of the tireless little bees working through the lavender. I find it curious that I thought there was so much to do, so much to improve in this garden... Now, three years later, I would be happy if everything would just be as it was when I left. A good lesson, I guess.


  1. A nice comment Liisa...gardeners can get so obsessive they forget what they're making the garden for. Your Swedish garden looks absolutely splendid.

  2. Att sitta på bänken och dricka morgonkaffe låter skönt, och trädgården ser vacker ut!

  3. Beautiful tree. I love the gentle curve of the trunk.
