Friday, November 11, 2011

The UFO has landed...

I don't usually nick anyone's pictures, but will make an exception here out of nostalgic reasons. I am Finnish, after all.
Just look at these visions of modern Finnish living in the 1960s; wasn't it a glorious time when the human race thought it was facing an endlessly bright future rendered possible by limitless technical and scientific development? Has my own generation managed to design anything as radically creative, ambitious and well, crazy? I don't think so. My personal favorite is the picture with two guys in the plastic sauna with their little globe heater. Just hilarious.
From the landscaping point of view, if only the materials would be changed into something sustainable, these little UFOs would be very earth-friendly, leaving almost no footprint on the nature they float over. I can imagine one above a meadow of wild flowers, how extraterrestrially pretty. When I showed these to my girls, they wanted to have one directly. I wonder if there are any left, somewhere in the Finnish woods?

PS - Spett och Spade just published pictures of some cute space garden paintings; I've never seen a garden with space theme, but would love to see one...


  1. Vilken design! Jag önskar mig ett sånt UFO till min rymdträdgårdsfantasi. Några storlekar mindre bara!
    Ha det gott!

  2. Hej Ulrika, visst skulle det vara roligt med ett sånt svävandes över lite rymdinspirerad plantering. Min kompis berättade att det finns några av dessa kvar, nu väldigt trendiga återigen efter några årtiondes hånskratt. Mina barn ville verkligen ha en, de tyckte att dessa är hur balla som helst, och jag tycker nog så jag med. Ha det gott, Liisa.
