Thursday, June 20, 2013

Not so good just now...

No, the situation is not so good for the moment - I very seldom write about the bad parts of life on this blog, but obviously, it would be cheating to pretend things are well - just now, the haze in Singapore is considered hazardous for breathing (what can you do, if you can't breath???). So no updates until things clear out - we didn't get masks from the stores early enough (optimist, as ever) - so are confined indoors for some time to come. Anyway, Happy Summer Solstice for those celebrating....! 


  1. Liisa, I thought about you when I heard a news report on the dangerous smog in Singapore this morning. Good luck. I hope it passes soon.

  2. Thanks for you note, James!
    We just got the last tickets out from Singapore... leaving tomorrow afternoon. The pollution index just went through the roof, so I'm taking the girls out from here. The problem is completely "manmade" and it is so horrible that people can do this to each other.
    Take care, Liisa.

  3. Jessus minkä näköistä. Kaikki maat jotka ei suostu kansainvälisiin ilmastosopimuksiin pitäis rahdata tuonne viikoksi ilman hengityssuojaimia, satais mieli alkaa muuttumaan. Toivottavasti parempi ilma missä olettekin.
